Роль игры в процессе изучения английского языка в школе


учителя английского языка средней школы №113 им. Героя России М.Р.Ахметшина г. Казани

Данная статья посвящена одному из наиболее важных аспектов изучения английского языка как игре. Игра – это специально организованное занятие, требующее напряжения эмоциональных и умственных сил. Игра – это активный способ достижения многих образовательных целей. Целью игровой формы обучения является не только формирование произношения, лексических и грамматических навыков, но и развитие интереса к изучаемому языку.

A foreign language, as a general educational subject, can and should contribute to the development of students’ creative abilities. Having a huge upbringing, educational and developing potential of students’ creative abilities, a foreign language can realize it only in the course of implementing the practical goal of learning, that is, only if the student in the process of foreign language communicative and cognitive activity (listening, speaking, reading, using writing ) will expand their general educational horizons, develop their thinking, memory, feelings and emotions; if in the process of foreign language communication the social and value qualities of the individual will be formed: worldview, moral values and beliefs, character traits.

Many children who start learning a foreign language at school find it fun and funny. But after a while, they begin to understand that it is not at all easy, and soon a foreign language becomes one of their least favorite subjects. One of the reasons that leads to this result is the difficulty in learning grammar. [5] Traditional methods of explanation and training do not lead to the desired result. Learning is more effective when students are actively involved in the process.

There are many ways to encourage children to be active, but the most effective are play, creativity, and curiosity. Nowadays, games are an integral part of teaching English. A Belgian businessman who watched children learn grammar while playing said: “ It isn’t silly at all ”, thus expressing surprise that a game can be funny and serious at the same time. Games promote intensive language practice. They can be used at the beginning of a lesson or at the end for stimulation, to reduce tension after a test, to change activities in a lesson. It is important that games bring joy, help in training language phenomena.

One of the advantages of games is that all students work at the same time. Participation in games develops the ability to cooperate, to compete without showing aggression, to be able to lose, to take responsibility.

Of particular importance are the games known to children from their life experience in their native language. The use of games is an effective way of repeating language phenomena. In general, students love games that have an element of luck because it adds excitement to the game. Games that depend on student skills become boring as the same talented guys win and the enthusiasm of most players drops. Games with an element of luck include guessing, dice and card games. Most of the games are competitive and the winner can be one person or a team. The use of team and group games helps to reduce the pressure of competition on one person.

With these principles in mind — luck and skill, competition and cooperation, surprise, which are the basis of all games — the teacher can turn a textbook exercise into a game. The use of various games helps to captivate the children with a foreign language, creates the conditions for success in learning the language. And students who want to play will definitely want to improve their knowledge of a foreign language.

When planning lessons, the teacher should think not only about the students remembering new words, this or that structure, but also strive to create all the opportunities for the development of the individuality of each child. To keep children interested in their subject, you need to understand what methods of work can captivate children. Every teacher of a foreign language must constantly look for reserves to improve the quality and effectiveness of teaching a foreign language. We believe that the main task of a teacher is to ensure that interest in learning a foreign language does not disappear.

Games help children become creative individuals, teach them to be creative in any business. To be creative means to do it qualitatively, at a higher level. Creativity is a constant improvement and progress in any activity. Games bring children and adults the joy of creativity. Without the joy of creativity, our life turns into boredom and routine. A creative person is always passionate about something. The level of life depends on the creative possibilities of a person.

Both adults and children can see the unusual in the ordinary. Creativity is inherent in children by nature itself. They love to compose, invent, fantasize, portray, reincarnate. Children’s creativity quickly fades if there is no interest in it from others. Joint creative games bring together both adults and children. This is one of the main principles of effective education.

The child, playing, all the time strives to go forward, not backward. In games, children seem to do everything together: their subconscious, their mind, their fantasy “work” synchronously. There is a branch of medicine and psychology — game therapy . The game can diagnose, to know the child. The game can encourage and approve the child. With the help of the game, it is possible to correct, improve, develop important psychological properties in children [2].

The game always involves making decisions — how to act, what to say, how to win. The desire to solve these questions speeds up the mental activity of the players. However, for children, the game is primarily an exciting activity. Everyone is equal in the game. It is feasible even for weak students. A sense of equality, an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of the feasibility of tasks — all this makes it possible for children to overcome shyness that prevents them from freely using the words of a foreign language in speech and has a beneficial effect on learning outcomes. The linguistic material is assimilated imperceptibly, and along with this, a feeling of satisfaction arises — it turns out that I can speak on an equal footing with everyone.

Games contribute to the implementation of the following methodological tasks: — creating the psychological readiness of children for verbal communication; — ensuring the natural need for repeated repetition of language material by them; — training students in choosing the right speech option;

The place of games in the lesson and the time allotted to the game depend on a number of factors in the preparation of students, the material being studied, the goals and conditions of the lesson, etc. For example, if the game is used as a training exercise during the initial consolidation, then 20–25 minutes of the lesson can be given to it. In the future, the same game can be played by repeating the material already covered. The same game can be used at different stages of the lesson.

It should be remembered that for all the attractiveness and effectiveness of games, a sense of proportion must be observed, otherwise they will tire the students and lose the freshness of the emotional impact. Let’s consider the theory of M. F. Stronin , who in his book «Educational Games in English Lessons» divides games into the following categories:

  1. lexical games;
  2. grammar games;
  3. phonetic games;
  4. spelling games;
  5. creative games.

For example, let’s take listening games. The following goals are set: — to teach students to understand the meaning of a single statement;

— to teach students to highlight the main thing in the flow of information;

— to develop the auditory memory of students.

You can play text listening games without having pictures, drawings, pre-prepared questions, text paragraphs, etc., these are games for the development of auditory memory. The teacher reads the text at a normal pace, the players listen. After listening to the text, the teacher offers to write down the words that each participant in the game remembered. Then the teacher reads the text again and gives the task — to write out groups of words and memorable phrases. After that, the participants in the game restore the text from memory, using their notes. The winner is the one who most accurately conveys the content of the text. Team games have a great effect in teaching listening , in which, after listening to the text, team members compose and then ask questions to rivals on the content of the text. The team that answers the questions most accurately wins. Of particular interest are games in which, after listening to the text (preferably with a large number of characters), it is necessary to play a scene according to the content of the text. In these games, children demonstrate not only their listening skills , but also their artistic abilities.

Listening training should be carried out in a variety of interesting games. In them, the child can express himself as a person, as well as a member of the team. There are no universal games for teaching listening , but you can turn any exercise, any text into a game. To do this, it is necessary to prepare the necessary accessories, create an atmosphere of competition, make the task for the texts diverse, but at the same time accessible and interesting.

Texts can be used from textbooks, additional books on the English language, invented by the teacher or students. The main thing, in our opinion, is to turn an elementary text into an interesting game that attracts a child. [5] During the game, students should not be interrupted, as this disrupts the atmosphere of communication. V. Rivers writes about this: “Very often in society, people prefer to remain silent if they know that their speech will cause a negative reaction from the interlocutor. Similarly, a student whose every mistake is corrected by the teacher not only loses the main idea of the statement, but also the desire to continue the conversation. [4]

Corrections should be done quietly, without interrupting students’ speech, or done at the end of the lesson. W. Bennet generally believes that the teacher has the right to ignore some mistakes so as not to suppress the speech activity of students. Games are best used in the middle or at the end of a lesson to relieve tension. It is important that working with games bring positive emotions and benefits, and in addition, serve as an effective incentive in a situation where the interest or motivation of children in learning a foreign language begins to wane. The use of games in foreign language lessons helps the teacher to better reveal the personal potential of each student, his positive personal qualities (hard work, activity, independence, initiative, ability to work in collaboration, etc.), maintain and strengthen learning motivation.


  1. Kozvonina VP Development of creative abilities of students. Beginning shk . 2000. No. 7. 2. Lukyanchikova NV Teaching a foreign language at the initial stage of education. // – Primary School – 2001 – No. 11. – pp. 49 – 51.
  2. Passov E. I. A foreign language lesson in high school. – M .: Education, 1988.
  3. Rogova GV, Vereshchagina IN Methods of teaching English at an early stage in educational institutions: A guide for teachers and students ped . universities. -–3rd ed. – M .: Education, 2000. – 232 p.
  4. www.festival.1september.ru