World Skills Kazan 2019

№ 134

(Конспект внеклассного, внеаудиторного урока в IX классе)


учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории гимназии-интерната №4 для одаренных детей г. Казани

Тема урока : World Skills Kazan 2019

Цель урока: комплексное формирование представлений о мировом чемпионате по профессиональному мастерству по стандартам «WorldSkills»,  как о крупном международном мультипрофессиональном и культурном событии в жизни молодежи современной России.

Задачи урока:

-образовательные: познакомить учеников с историей WorldSkills , символикой, соревновательной и волонтерской программами 45-го мирового чемпионата по профессиональному мастерству по стандартам WorldSkills  2019 года в г. Казани.

-воспитательные: вызвать интерес к профориентационной информации и получению начальных навыков профессий (компетенций).

-развивающие: развивать у учащихся творческие и познавательные способности, потребности в развитии профессионального мастерства.

Оборудование и материалы: интерактивная доска, мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, презентация к занятию, аудиофайлы, раздаточный материал.

Методическое обоснование: Урок «WorldSkills Kazan 2019» включает в себя обсуждение темы, изучение истории развития движения WorldSkills,   знакомство с условиями проведения чемпионата WorldSkills в Казани, с объектами Чемпионата. Основное внимание на уроке уделяется популяризации различных профессий, вовлечению подростков и молодежи в волонтерскую деятельность.

Тип урока: урок открытия новых знаний

Ход урока:

1. Организационный блок (5 мин).

2.  Введение в историю WorldSkills (15 мин).

3.  Физкультминутка (5 мин).

4.  Кто такие волонтеры? (5 мин).

5.  Обсуждение роли WorldSkills в жизни жителей Татарстана (10 мин).

6.  Подведение итогов занятия (5 мин).


1. Организационный блок

I.Good morning girls, how are you today? I`m really  happy to see all of you today, sit down , please.

-Please look at the screen and tell me how do you understand the word competition?

-Competition is a contest among the strongest, which allows to  determine the best. Today we will talk about the WorldSkills Competition.

II.Просмотр ознакомительного видео о WorldSkills

-What is WorldSkills?

-It`s an international non-profit association, their aim is raising profile of blue-collar jobs and improving professional training quality, standards, and qualification worldwide as well as promoting of blue-collar jobs through international contests .

2.  Введение в историю WorldSkills


Which country has started this movement?

The WorldSkills movement started in post-war Spain. In 1953, an international non-profit association WorldSkills International (WSI) was founded.

-How often WorldSkills Competitions are held?

WorldSkills Competition ,which is also called Skills Olympics,is held every 2 year.

-Where will it be this year?

So if we count it from very beginning, this year 45th contest will happen in our capital Kazan.We are expecting 1,600 competitors and 1,500 experts,from 78 countries,while at the beginning there were only 12 competitors.

-What is the motto and mascot of the WorldSkill?

Skills for the Future,mascot is Almaz and Altyn.The names are translated as “diamond” and “gold”, thus symbolizing professional excellence. They represent youth, skill, intelligence and friendship. Almaz and Altyn are skilled specialists of the future!

-When will the 45th WorldSkills Competition take place?

It will be held from 22-27 August 2019 in Kazan.

-Are  there any age limits ?

Pupils,students and qualified specialists from 10-22(in some skills up 25)can participate in Skills Olympics

-What skills are tested there?

More that 50 skills can be tested here in main six sectores

1. Manufacturing and Engineering Technology

2. Social and Personal Services

3. Transportation and Logistics

4. Construction and Building Technology

5. Creative Arts and Fashion

6. Information and Communication Technology


Kazan Expo world -class exhibition is the main venue,WorldSkills Village for accommodation and Skills Park for traditional crafts,arts and habbits of Russian People.

II.Просмотр видео о рабочих профессиях

3. Физкультминутка

Playing a professions game : Teams take turns making movements of people of different professions on their cards accompanied by music (for example, a driver turns the car wheel, a photographer takes pictures, etc.), team members repeat these movements and guess the profession.

4. Кто такие волонтеры?

I.Any person who works for the benefit of other is called volunteer.(They can help elder people,orphans,work for the benefit of the schooltake mentorship over younger classes).Students over 14 years old can be a volunteer of the WorldSkills Competition. Imagine, 3,500 volunteers from Russia and other countries will be involved in the WorldSkills Kazan 2019 for more than 20 functional areas. The major part of them will be students and pupils of the Republic of Tatarstan.

-Why do you think a person may want to be a volunteer?

(Learn to communicate, make many friends, improve English skills, meet famous professional community experts, WorldSkills champions, make new acquaintances with foreigners and learn how they live in their countries, see new places, try themselves in adult life, etc.).

Have any of you ever been a volunteer? Tell us about your experience.

II.Ролевая игра в волонтера:(students work in pairs,one is a volunteer,the other is a tourist)Volunteer tells about Kazan`s most famous places and tourist asks questions.(activity is accompanied by music)

-What skills are essential?(feedback)

Be helpful,well informed,kind,active,be attractive to others, communicative, be able to make a lot of friends, know English.

5.  Обсуждение роли WorldSkills в жизни жителей Татарстана

And now, boys and girls, you will need to work with your teams. You need to debate the answer to the question “What can the WorldSkills Competition give me?”, and in 5 minutes we will hear your answers.

Answers are listened to. The teacher comments on them.

  6.  Подведение итогов занятия

To  sum up lets talk about benefits and mission of Woldskills for our city, country.

-gathers professionals from around the world

-arises image and prospective of blue-collar jobs

-makes our life more diverse, more interesting and comfortable, gives the chance for young generation to choose favourite and interesting job

-it not only for the best profession, but for the whole society, teaches us to succeed, fulfill dreams.

Домашнее задание:Tell about WorldSkills Kazan 2019 to your parents, relatives, friends and neighbours.