Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 10 классе

Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 10 классе


Сабирзянова Гузель Эдуардовна,

учитель английского языка

первой квалификационной категории

Большеатнинской школы Атнинского района

Тема: «Система образования в США и России» Тип: урок открытия новых знаний
Цели и задачи урока: развивать иноязычную коммуникативную компетенцию; совершенствовать навыки и умения поискового чтения с целью извлечения необходимой информации и монологической речи, с опорой на текст; воспитывать уважение к стране изучаемого языка.
Педагогическая технология: Этапы урока, на которых технология применяется:
Технология развития критического мышления. Стадия вызова – этапы: целеполагание, подготовка к активному и сознательному усвоению новых знаний. Прием «Верите ли вы?».

Стадия осмысления – этапы: усвоение новых знаний, проверка понимания нового материала.

Стадия рефлексии – этапы: проверка понимания нового материала, закрепление нового материала.

Планируемые результаты
Предметные Метапредметные Личностные
-уметь работать с текстом, с целью извлечения необходимой информации;

-уметь передавать содержание прочитанного, с опорой на текст;

-совершенствовать лексические навыки говорения в виде монолога.

Регулятивные: научиться

-адекватно оценить уровень своих знаний и умений;

-выделять и осознавать то, что уже усвоено и что еще подлежит усвоению, осознавать качество и уровень усвоения;

-использовать речевые средства в соответствии с ситуацией

Познавательные: научиться

-строить логические рассуждения, включающие установление причинно-следственных связей;

-уметь анализировать и применять информацию.

Коммуникативные: научиться

-формулировать собственное мнение и позицию;

-осуществлять контроль, коррекцию, оценку действий партнёра, уметь убеждать и принимать общее решение.

-иметь представление о школьной системе образования в Америке;

-формировать уважительное отношение к стране изучаемого языка;

-аргументировать свое отношение к прочитанному.

Ресурсы урока:

Для преподавателя: УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 10 класса, О.В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули, И. В. Михеева и др., рабочая программа по предмету «Английский язык», презентация Power Point, видеофильм

Для обучающихся: УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 10 класса, О.В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули, И. В. Михеева и др. презентация Power Point, раздаточный материал.


Ход урока:

Приветствие (Greeting)

Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Sit down. Let’s start our lesson.

Вызов (Создание мотивации)

Students, today we are going to talk on very interesting items.

But firstly let me ask you a few questions.

Do you like your school?

What subjects do you study at school?

How many students are there in your class?

Do you like your school life?

What is school for you?

Why do you go to school? What for?
(students’ answers)
– Get a lot of knowledge.– Make friends.– Get a lot of information.– Learn new things.– Communicate with classmates.– Take part in school activities.– Do sports.



Определение темы и цели урока


You know, education plays an important role in everybody’s life. Good education is a good foundation for the future life, especially for you – the young generation. It means, that our today’s lesson, what will be about? Have you guessed?

(students’ answers)

Yes, we’ll talk about education system, about school lives in our country and not only.


Речевая разминка
–Here are some proverbs about school and education. Read and let’s discuss about their meanings.
Live and learn. — Век живи — век учись
Knowledge is a power. Знание — сила
It is never too late to learn. Никогда не поздно учиться
Practice makes perfect. Практика – это путь к совершенству. (Трудом достигается успех.)
Diligence is the mother of success. Прилежание/ усердие — мать успеха


Let’s try to guess the meanings of some idioms about school, about education:

  • To count noses
  • Eager beaver
  • Teacher’s pet
  • Cut class
  • Pass with flying colours

Now read and check yourselves.



Активизация лексики по теме.

It’s time to check your knowledge. To begin with- let’s look at the screen. There are some words and phrases. They are the answers of my riddles for you.


A pause between 2 lessons.      (break)
A place you have lunch.       (canteen)
What do students do (get) at the university?      (get education)
A kind of product or food at the school canteen.  (dish)
The cost of the dish.      (price)
What shows the order of the lesson every day?    (timetable)
A lesson you like most of all.     (favuorite lesson)
A student you study together in the class.    (classmate)
A lesson where you physically very active.    (PE)


Введение нового материала.

(ответы на вопросы и заполнение таблицы про систему образования в России)

Take a look at the table. (on the blackboard) Let’s fill it. Tell us about education system in our country.

  1. When do Russian children begin going to school?
  2. What is the name of this school?
  3. What grades are there in elementary school?
  4. Which education do children get at the elementary school? What do they learn to do?
  5. What is the name of the second level?
  6. When does the secondary education begin?
  7. What new subjects are there at the secondary (or middle) school? Apart from the elementary school?
  8. What education is compulsory in Russia?
  9. What do pupils have to decide after completing the nine-year schooling?
  10. What is the name of the next level at school?
  11. How old are there pupils of this level?
  12. What grades are there?
  13. What do colleges give to young people?
  14. Where can young people go after finishing school or college?
  15. Do you know anything about degrees at the universities?


Education System in Russia                                     


    Grade School Age  

The grading system:



«5»  is excellent

«4»  is good

«3»  is satisfactory

«2»  is unsatisfactory

   1-4 Elementary school 7-11
5 – 9 Secondary (or Middle) school 12 – 16
10-11 Secondary school (upper stage) 17-18



Let’s compare Russian school system with The USA school system. You have to fill the table about Education System in the USA.

Have you got enough information? Don’t you need any more?

In order to fill in the second table and compare the countries we have to know more about The USA school system.

Now please open your books at page 57. Ex. 1 (3 minutes).

What can you say about USA school system? Now, answer please

How old are students when they start school?

What is the name of the first level?

What grades are there?

What is the name of the next level?

How old are students when they go to junior high school?

What grades are there at junior high school?

And the last level?

How old are students when they go to High school?

What grades are there?

How old are students when they leave school?


Сравнение системы образования в разных странах, выражение своего мнения.

Ok, thank you.

Now compare.

(students compare)

You see, we start a year after Americans, but  leave school at the age of 18, so Americans do.

Didn’t you find any more interesting facts about American students?

We see that they have special names:

ninth graders = freshmen

tenth graders = sophomores

eleventh graders = juniors

twelfth graders = seniors

Do you have any special names? No.


There is some information about the grading system in our country. I am sure each of you know the meaning of these marks, am I right?

(students’ answers)

But what about the grading system in the USA? Do you know? It will be your task at home to find out and you’ll tell us at the next lesson.


Education System in the USA



    Grade School Age  

The grading system:



? – the homework

The key (Education System in the USA)


    Grade School Age  

The grading system:

        kindergarten     5  

A,B,C,D. A- for excellent, D- poor.


The grading system:

A-            Excellent

B-              good

C-              satisfactory

D-             bad

E  or F —  Poor



1-6 Elementary school 6-11
7 – 8 Junior High  school 12 – 13
9-12 High school

ninth graders = freshmen

tenth graders = sophomores

eleventh graders = juniors

twelfth graders = seniors


Этап «Осмысления»  (закрепление)

Let’s open find an ex.2 at page 57. Read the title. How do you think, what is it?

(a leaflet)

Look at the picture and headings and say what you think life in American senior high school is like?

(students’ answers)

Read to find out.


You see the missed words. Open your exercise-books, write down the date and do this task in written: write form cognates from these words in brackets. Be careful: they should match the contents of the text grammatically and lexically.

(students read the text for the second time, write the words on their ex.books)

Now compare with your partner.

Listen and check yourselves.

What about underlined words/phrases? Are there any words which are the same/similar in Russian?

(students’ answers, at the screen there their definitions)



— Would you like to spend a year in an American senior high school? What would you like? What wouldn’t you like?


(students’ answers)


  • to improve English
  • to communicate with American peers
  • to learn more about the country, its customs and traditions
  • to experience life in an American school


— It was an invitation from American schoolchildren. Let’s invite them, too. Design a leaflet inviting students from abroad to spend a year at our school. Will you? Look at the leaflet. What information do you need? Is everything clear? (at the screen)

You will work in groups of four. Make groups. Don’t forget the rules of working in groups.

(students design their leaflets)

Now tell us how will you interest students from other countries?

(some students tell about subjects, another students – about typical day at school and sports, extra-curricular activities)


Этап «Рефлексии»

Now one more task for our discussion. Imagine that you have to choose a country to study. Put these factors in order of priority from 1 to 12 / 1=the most important/. Which ones would influence you most in making your decision?

Speech Training.


  1. A variety of types of schools.
  2. The duration of a school day.
  3. The reputation of a school.
  4. Extracurricular activities.
  5. School discipline.
  6. School uniforms.
  7. The choice of subjects.
  8. The age children start and leave school.


Now, continue imagining; you have a possibility to choose not only the country to study, but the school, too. What kind of school would it be? Your homework will be to write an essay “A perfect school for me”.  Maybe these factors will help you.


— It’s time to make conclusion.

What was interesting for you?

What words have you learnt?

Can you tell interesting facts about American High Schools?

What impressed you most in educational system in The USA?


— The lesson is over. Thank you, good bye.