Подарок младшей сестре. A gift for a younger sister. The Past Progressive Tense

(Урок английского языка в 5 классе)


учитель английского языка гимназии №10 г. Зеленодольска

Цель урока: обобщить пройденный грамматический материал The Past Progressive Tense (прошедшее длительное время).

Задачи урока:

– закрепить построение вопросительных и утвердительных предложений;

– развивать навыки устной речи;

– развивать память, внимание, творческое воображение;

– прививать интерес к изучению предмета;

– воспитывать навыки культуры общения.

Урок проводится с применением информационно-коммуникационных технологий. Используются разнообразные формы работы.

Урок направлен на формирование функциональной грамотности, конкретно используются развитие читательской грамотности и креативное мышление.

Ход урока

Teacher: Good morning girls and boys, I am glad to see you all.

Pupils: Good morning, teacher.

Teacher: Take your seats, please. I would like you to listen to the dialogue. (All pupils are listening to the dialogue, the dialogue is on the p.82 ex.1)

  1. What is it about?

Pupil: It is about…

  1. What grammar tense is used here?

Pupil: The Past Progressive Tense.

Now look at the screen. You can see this dialogue. You were right, this dialogue is about shopping and it is the Past Progressive Tense. (Screen-dialogue, and the aim of the lesson.)

Today you will know that we use the Past Progressive Tense in a certain time. Look at the rule, p. 82. (All students are opening the book and one of them is reading aloud this rule.)

Teacher: Where is Jay Douglas buying a toy?

Pupil: In Hamleys.

Teacher: What is Hamleys? Look at the screen and read.

Pupil: is reading. (Hamleys [‘hæmlɪz] is a British toy market, the oldest and the largest in the world. It was founded by William Hamley.)

Teacher: Lets move on the next task. Look at the screen here is the floor guide of Hamleys. (All pupils are looking at the picture). The same picture you can find in your books, p. 83. Look at the floor guide and match the questions and the answers. Do the interractive task. (https://learningapps.org/display?v=phu00t3cj23)

Pupils: are doing the task aloud.

Teacher: As you see, it is important to say the exact time. The next task is interesting and relaxing at the same time. The learning structure Mix Pair Share.  The story — Douglas family was doing shopping in Hamleys. What were they doing at the exact time? Do you remember the rules of Mix Pair Share? Lets dance, when the music stops, find a pair and create the ending of the story in interesting way, but don’t forget to use the Past Progressive Tense. (The task is on the screen.)

It was Sunday afternoon and Jay’s family went shopping to buy a present to Ann.  At 11 o’clock….

They were very tired to seek the present and at 2 o’clock Jay… with his parents.

Finally, Jay and his parents found the present to Ann. It was a brown teddy bear. And at 4 o’clock they … in the cafe.

Teacher: Great job! Take your seats, now open you diaries, write down the homework. Look at the screen. Write 3 sentences what were you doing last Sunday at 9 am, 12 pm, 7 pm?

Teacher: Good job! It’s time to finish our work. I like the way you’ve worked today. Look at the screen and finish the sentenses about our lesson. (All pupils are looking at the screen and they are finishing the sentenses about lesson. )

It was interesting…

Today I’ve revised…

At 10 o’clock I was…

Teacher: Thank you for the lesson, good bye.