Новогодние традиции разных стран мира

Новогодние традиции разных стран мира

(Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 10 классе)



учитель английского языка

 гимназии №180

 г. Казани

Цель урока: Организовать общение на английском языке по проблеме «Празднование Рождества и Нового года».

Ход мероприятия

Круглый стол «So many countries, so many customs»

  • Teacher- Hello, our dear guests! Please, come in and take your seats at our festive round table. Make yourselves comfortable. Nice to see you! How are you feeling today? I think you are quite well or a little nervous? I think you are not.(звучит мелодия хорошо-известной песни “Jingle bells”, пока дети садятся за стол)
  • Today we are going to speak about such an in interesting topic as festivals and traditions. I think all people like holidays and look forward to them and prepare for them in advance. The purpose of our discussions is to deepen comprehension and respect for other people and cultures tearing down old stereotypes and misconceptions to express attitude to a certain custom and tradition. Do you know that in a few weeks New Year is coming? Today Guests from all over the world are coming to take part in our round-table. So, we’ll find out some special traditions of New Year celebrations all around the world. The correspondent from the journal “Around the world” has come to have a round-table talk with you.
  • Pupil(correspondent)- Hello, ladies and gentleman. My name is Alexandra. I am a correspondent from a journal “Around the World”. To begin with, I’d like to say that people all over the world have a lot of interesting traditions and customs. But nowadays fever people are interested in keeping national traditions. What is tradition in your opinion? All opinions are accepted.
  • P- To my mind, a tradition is something special that brings us together.
  • P- Oh, I agree with you. In my opinion, a tradition is something unique that connects us with different generations and that comes from the past to the present.
  • P- From my point of view, tradition passes down from parent to child and from friend to friend and gives birth to memories.
  • P(correspondent)- Well, I see you understand the importance of traditions but how do people keep traditions in other countries? Are traditions important to them? What traditions do most people from celebrate? Let’s listen to them.

1: In Vietnam children look forward to midnight. Bursting firecrackers is considered to be an exotic tradition. As for me, I enjoy it greatly. Would you like to experience it right now? (взрывает свою хлопушку в классе, все дети смеются и хлопают в ладоши)

2: My native country is Argentina. New Year in Argentina is popularly called as ‘Ano Nuevo’. I believe that a family New Year meal is not complete without Turrón, a type of nougat, and Pan Dulce, also known as Panettone. For me it’s an exotic tradition because I bake it myself. Would you like to taste it? Help yourselves, please. (достает из пакета кекс и угощает одноклассников)

3: In Italian capital where people, particularly office workers, get rid of old documents and paperwork, symbolizing leaving the past behind, and at noon they throw it all out of the window as confetti! It is a bit messy, but I am sure it’s a magical sight! Italians throw also all old things out of the window in order to buy new ones.

4: In Sweden before New Year children choose the Queen of Light. She is put on a white dress and a crown with candles (одновременно одевает на себя белую ткань и имитацию короны со свечами на голову). Do you know the fact that in the 19th century Sweden presented glass toys for the New Year tree? I’ve got similar ones for you. (достает маленькие стеклянные шарики для новогодней елки и дарит их одноклассникам и учителю)

5:  Do you like grapes? – Yes, of course. In Cuba at midnight when the clock strikes twelve you should eat twelve grapes for each month of the year. While eating a grape it is important to have a wish. It means that good luck will accompany you during all twelve months. (достает из пакета виноград и угощает одноклассников)

6: (одевая на голову красную шапочку с помпончиком)    Hello, my dear mates! In Australia we’ve got very exotic New Year celebrations due to the lack of snow and boiling hot. Santa Claus appears in a swimming suit on special brightly decorated surfing on the beaches of Sydney. Following the tradition of the Old World, his clothes are always presented with white beard and a  red hat with pompon at the end. Would you like to try it on? (передает красную шапочку Санты одноклассникам для примерки)

7: In Hungary at the first seconds of New Year children are fond of whistling the pipe or the horn making much noise in the house like that … (свистит в свисток и все затыкают уши). Such noisemakers like me try to scare off the evil demons.: (показывает фото и комментирует😉

8: In Scotland there is an old tradition that still is relevant today. It is called “the first footer” who is the first person to set foot into your home on New Year’s day. He is a tall, dark haired man. He should bring a loaf of bread or a piece of coal that means a lot of food or warmth in the household in a new year. (раздает «кусочки» угля одноклассникам, одновременно произнося “Good luck to you”)

9: You know Brazil is situated in South America and December is the hottest month.  Because of the climate they celebrate New Year in the streets or beaches. And during the first minutes of New Year you must jump seven times to be happy and lucky all the year round. I suggest doing it right now! (снова звучит веселая новогодняя мелодия “Jingle bells”) My dear teacher, you too, please! Ready? One, two, three! Jump! (все прыгаем под музыку)

10: (пока все прыгают под музыку, один из учеников выходит за дверь, быстро одевает костюм Деда Мороза, стучится в дверь)Do you know who am I? – Yes, you are right. I am from Great Ustyug. There is a tradition in Russia to get presents at New Year. If you are clever and kind, I will give you some presents. But now let’s check how friendly you are. Let’s wish your neighbor something bright and special. (учащиеся по кругу говорят пожелания, а Дед Мороз вручает детям конфеты)

  • Teacher: Today we’ve learnt many interesting New Year traditions that people observe around the world. Now I offer our guest and students to play together one game,which is called “Own game”
  • Teacher: During New Year celebrations we sing a lot of beautiful songs about winter, friendship and love. At the end of our New Year party let us sing a song.
  • Teacher: Thank you very much everyone. Well done. I wish you all the best. Good bye, dear children.