Брейн–ринг «Животные»

№ 132

(Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для III класса)



учителя английского языка школы № 82  г. Казани

Цели: обобщение и систематизация знаний и умений; формирование навыков взаимодействия в коллективе; развитие зрительной и слуховой памяти.


— развитие навыков устной речи (рассказать о себе; описать картинку; ответить на вопросы; составить предложения с данными словами);

— развитие аудиотивных навыков (прослушав запись, определить кто пришёл в гости к Питеру);

— развитие навыков письма (составить слова из букв).

Языковой материал: лексика по темам «Животные», «Продукты питания»; речевые образцы I have got/he has got…; I can / can’t…, it is / it isn’t…

Оборудование: проектор, презентация, компьютер, интерактивная доска, маркер, паззлы, эмблемы команд, фишки, сертификаты.

Ход мероприятия

—                     Good morning, girls and boys! Today we will play the game “Brain ring”. We have two teams. The 1st team is “Lions”, the 2nd team is “Rabbits”.

—                     The captains, come here, please. Introduce yourselves.

(Hello! My name is …. I am 10. I live in Kazan. I have a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. I can … I can’t fly. Etc.)

—                     Let’s start the game.

Round 1.

—                     You have to make up the word using these letters. The word for “Lions” … The word for “Rabbits” …

god (dog)

tac (cat)

gerti (tiger)

omuse (mouse)

rpotra (parrot)

nomeky (monkey)

—                     By the end of the 1st round “Lions” have __ points; “Rabbits” have __points.

Round 2.

—                     Listen to the cassette. Peter is a pig. He invites guests. Who are the guests?                                                                    (A bear and a rabbit)

Peter: Would you like some soup?

Martin: No, thank you, I don’t like soup.

Peter: Do you like carrots?

Martin: Yes, I do. Thank you.

Peter: Would you like some honey?

Billy: Yes, please.

Peter: Would you like some porridge?

Billy: I’m sorry, I don’t like porridge. I like sweets.

Peter: Good. Have some sweets!

Billy: Thank you!

Peter: Of course! Help yourself!


—                     Both teams have got 1 point.

Round 3.

—                     Look at the blackboard, please. I read the word and you show me the picture. (Команды по очереди выходят к доске)

Sweet, honey, apple, carrot, soup, cake, porridge, cheese, juice.


—                     Let’s check. Great! You are right! Let’s clap to each other.

—                     Both teams have got __ points.

Round 4.

—                     You have puzzles. Make up the puzzles and then describe the pictures.

—                     Who is ready? What is there in your picture?

(It’s a … It is big/small/grey/funny/clever etc. It can … It can’t … It lives in … )

—                     Very good! Thank you!

—                      “Lions” have __ points; “Rabbits” have __points.

—                     I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest and sing a song “Clap, clap, clap your hands”.

Round 5.

—                     Now, my dears find the words from the table. There are ten words.

  • o
r n a s b d f r
a r e d d e u g j t
b d p
  • o
t a t
  • o
  • o
b u p i j b t s a r
a x c c a k e a c k
g e r g j b r e a d
e e n j j l
  • o
i r r
q u u m a l k h r f
w e t
  • o
m a t
  • o
  • o
y v s n r e
  • o
p t d


(Cabbage, corn, butter, carrot, cake, jam, tomato, nuts, bread, potato)


—                     “Lions” have __ points; “Rabbits” have __points.

Round 6.

—                     Do you know poems? Recite poems, please. One poem is one point.  Let’s start.

—                     So “Lions” have __ points; “Rabbits” have __points.

Round 7.

—                     Make up the sentences with these words. Each correct sentence is 1 point.  “Lions”, your sentence.

like sing read
fly skip live
write dance play


—                     “Lions” have __ points; “Rabbits” have __points.

Round 8.

—                     Answer my questions:

1. Do you like fish? / Do you like cheese?

2. Would you like some juice? / Would you like some milk?

3. Can you dance? / Can you ride a bike?

4. Have you got a workbook? / Have you got a pencil case?

5. What’s your favourite toy? / What’s your favourite colour?


—                     “Lions” have ___ correct answers, ___ points. “Rabbits” have __ correct answers, __ points.

—                     It was the last round. (Подведение итогов).

Игра заканчивается с исполнением песни «The more we’re together”.