I’m from


(разработка урока английского языка для 5 класса)


учитель английского языка Алпаровской СОШ Алькеевского района

УМК: Английский язык. 5 класс: учеб. для общ. учр. / Ю.Е.Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О.Е.Подоляко, В.Эванс. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2012. – 164 с.

Цель: освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы по теме «I’m from».


– повторение изученных и введение новых слов по теме «Страны и национальности»;

– развитие умения делать краткое сообщение о себе; освоение суффиксального способа словообразования; развитие умений прогнозирования и понимания содержания текста по заголовку и иллюстрациям;

воспитать интерес к изучению языка.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

Teacher. Good morning, dear pupils! How are you? I’m very glad to see you today. Who is on duty today?

Student. I’m on duty today

Teacher. What the date is it today?

Student. It is … .

Teacher. What the day is it today?

Student. Today is…

Teacher. What is the weather like today?

Student. The sun is shining brightly, the sky is blue. The day is beautiful.

Teacher. Ok. Thank you sit down.

Доклад дежурного.

II. Актуализация

На доске висит карта мира, куда стикерами прикреплены флажки-России, Татарстана, Америки, Англии. И картинки, где изображены дети в разных национальных костюмах.

Teacher. Please look at the board. What can you see?

Student. I can see a map, countries and children from different countries.

Teacher. Ok, thank you. Answer my questions please. What countries do you know? (Ученики отвечают.)

Teacher. Wonderful! And what is the name of our country?

Student. It is Russia.

Teacher. Yes, thank you. Can you find it on the map? Ok, good job, thank you sit down. What nationalities live in America and Britain?

Student. British, American.

Teacher. Good! Now open your books please at page 36 and read the title.

Student. I’m from …

Teacher. What does it mean?

Student. Я из …

Teacher. So where are you from?

Student. I’m from Russia.

Teacher. What do you think what is the main aim of our lesson? What are we going to do today?

Student. We are going to speak about countries and nationalities.

Teacher. Yes, you are right.

Ш. Введение нового материала

Работа с учебником: упр. 1, стр. 36.

Teacher. Open your books at page 36 ex 1, please. Let’s read the countries and nationalities:

Student. The UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Japan.

Teacher. Look at the map again. Can you find these countries on the map?

Учащиеся один за другим подходят к доске и показывают страны на карте.

Teacher. Ok, good job. Let’s do the task. Match the countries with the nationalities.

Дать учащимся минуты 2 на выполнение этого задания. Проверку выполнить при помощи мяча.

Teacher. Have you done this task? Ok, let’s check. The UK? (Бросить мяч ученику.)

Student. British!

Teacher. The USA?

Student. American!

Teacher. Canada?

Student. Canadian!

Teacher. Thank you pupils!

Провести гимнастику для глаз:

Teacher. Let’s have a fun. Repeat and do after me, please. Stand up.

Look left, look right,

Look up and down.

Look at your hands

Look at your nose

Look at that rose

Thank you sits down.

Teacher. Continue our lesson. Please, tell me about yourself. Where are you from? What languages can you speak?

Student. Hi! My name is Kamila. I’m from Russia. I can speak Russian, Tatar and English. I can’t speak French.

Teacher. Thank you, sit down, please. Look at the picture at page 36. Do you know these cartoon characters and people? Who are they? Where are they from? Make up a dialogue ask and answer each other.

Student 1. Hello! Where is Jude Law from?

Student 2. Hi! He is from The UK. He is British.

Teacher. Ok! Well done!

Написать на доске суффиксы —ish, —ian, —er, —ese.

Teacher. Look at the board, please. We use -ish, -ian, -er, -ese to form nationalities.

Can you give me examples with these suffixes using the list of geographical names at page WL 14?

Student 1. Mexican.

Student 2. Spanish.

Student 3. Australian.

Student 4. Icelander.

Student 5. Chinese.

IV. Формирование навыков

Teacher. And now dear students, please look at the picture at page 37. Who is this guy? What is he doing? Do you know him? What is his name?

Student. Yes, I do. His name is Peter Parker. He is Spiderman. He is very kind and strong.

Teacher. Have you seen this film?

Student. Yes I have.

Teacher. Ok. Please, read the text and try to answer the questions.

(Работу можно выполнить в форме диалога.)

Student 1. Where’s Spiderman from?

Student 2. He is from New York.

Student 2. Who’s his best friend?

Student 1. His best friend is Mary Jane.

Student 3. What can Spiderman do?

Student 4. He can climb walls.

Student 5. Who is against him?

S3- The Green Goblin.

Teacher. Good job! So close your book and let’s have a fun. Sing and do:


Head, shoulders, knees, toes.

Head, shoulders, knees, toes.

Eyes, ears, mouth, nose.

Head, shoulders, knees, toes.

Teacher. Thank you children! Sit down. Now please look at the text one more, find the key words and using the key words present the story of Spiderman to the class.

Student. Peter Parker is a teenager. He lives in New York with his Aunt Mary. His best friend is Mary Jane. One day, a spider bites Peter. And now he is a superman. He is strong and fast and he can climb.

Teacher. Ok. Thank you. Well done!

V. Закрепление

Teacher. Dear students, let’s sum up. What countries and nationalities have we known today?

Student 1. American, Canadian, French, New Zealander etc.

Student 2. Japan, France, The UK, The USA

Teacher. What suffixes can we use to form nationalities?

Student. -ish, -ian, -er,-ese.

Teacher. And where are you from?

Student. We are from Russia!

VI. Домашнее задание

Teacher. Your home task is ex. 9, page 37. Make a poster of your favorite cartoon characters. Stick on pictures. Write a few sentences about each character.

 VII. Рефлексия

Teacher. Thank you for lesson! Good job! Did you like the lesson? Have you got any questions?

Student. Yes I liked! Thank you!

Teacher. Ok. See you next lesson! Good bye!

Student. Good bye teacher!