Welcome to Tatarstan

(Добро пожаловать в Татарстан)


учитель английского языка Камскополянской средней школы №1 Нижнекамского  района

Цель: повышение интереса у учащихся к изучению английского языка; привитие любви к родной стране и культуре.


– развитие творческих способностей и познавательной активности учащихся;

– предоставление учащимся возможности познакомиться с татарской культурой на английском языке;

– выявление одаренных детей через декламирование стихов, исполнение танцев и песен.

Форма: музыкально-литературная композиция.

Оборудование: медиапроектор, презентация.

Участники: ведущие, «гости» из Великобритании, исполнители песен, стихотворений, танца – учащиеся 7 – 9 классов, исполнители сказки – 3 класс.

Ход мероприятия

(Песня The Anthem of Tatarstan («Гимн Татарстана», перевод на англ.яз.)

1-й ведущий. Good morning, dear guests, our teachers and students! We are glad to see you!

2-й ведущий. Welcome to the very heart of the Eastern Europe, where our modern and ancient, sporty and developing Republic of Tatarstan is situated. We hope you’ll learn more about our native place today.

(Входят «гости из Великобритании».)

1-й гость. Good morning! It’s our first visit to your republic and we would like to get acquainted to its history, culture, traditions and modern life.

2-й гость. Is it a large country?

1-й ведущий. It’s not big but very beautiful. Though its territory only 70 thousand square kilometers here you can see many hills and valleys, wonderful rivers and lakes, picturesque cities and towns. It will take you the whole day to cross the country by car and see everything with your own eyes. The main rivers are the Volga and the Kama, the largest lakes are the Arhiereiskoe, the Lesnoe, the most important cities are Kazan, Naberezhnie Chelni, Nizhnekamsk, Mendeleevsk, Almet’evsk.

1-й гость. We travel a lot and hear in every country people speak their own language. What can you tell about languages in Tatarstan?

2-й ведущий. Tatarstan is a multinational country and people speak different languages here: Russian, Tatar, Chuvash, Mari, Udmurt. A lot of things are done to preserve native languages. As our great Tatar poet G.Tukai said, we learn the world thanks to our native language.

(Песня Native language («Родной язык» Г.Тукай; исполняется на английском, русском и татарском языках.)

2-й гость. It sounds very beautiful and gentle. I’m sure your country has an interesting history and many legends.

1-й ведущий. Yes, of course. And one of them is connected with our coat of arms, which represents a winged snow leopard (bars) with a round shield on his side.

1 ученик. Long, long ago on the land of ancient Bulgaria there lived many snow leopards. One time enemies killed all the people in this place except one little boy, they threw him to swamps to die. But one snow leopard saved the boy and fed him. Sometime later the boy grew up but died in one of the battle. The snow leopard gave birth to 10 boys who revived the nation of Bulgarians. Now we can find a lot of names that contain the word bars (Aibars, Akbars, Ilbars, Yanbars).

1-й гость. It is very unusual. And your flag also reflects the history of your country, doesn’t it?

2-й ведущий. Yes, you are right. The flag of Tatarstan consists of three horizontal stripes: green, white and red. Green colour means green nature, fields that was very important for our ancestors. White colour is a sign of pureness, peace and calmness. Red for ancient turkis represented power and triumph of life.

2-й гость. English people are proud of their capital. It is an old and beautiful city with many historical sights. What can you tell about your capital?

1-й ведущий. Our capital is surely worth of visiting. It is one of the most beautiful and oldest cities in the world. It is situated on the bank of the Volga River. It was founded in the 11th century in the place where water and land ways from West parts of Russia to the East and Asia crossed. Now it is a political and cultural centre not only of our republic but the whole country.

2-й ведущий. In 2005 the city celebrated its 1000 anniversary. There are a lot of places to visit in our capital. The Kazan Kremlin is one of the most famous sights of the city. The Suumbike Tower is a national proud of Tatar people. Majestic Kul Sharif Mosque and Blagoveschenski Cathedral attract visitors from all over the world. A theatre life is very diverse and rich in the city. What a pleasure to visit theatres of Kazan named after Kamal, Mussa Jalil, Kachalov.

Now we invite you to our school theatre and to watch a performance presented by our little actors.

(Сказка The Little Red Hen («Рыжая курочка», народная сказка)

1-й гость. What a wonderful performance. Your people are very talented.

Ведущий1: Our republic is proud of our famous people whose names are well known not only in our country but even all over the world. Lobachevsky, Butlerov, Bekhterev, Tolstoy, Gorky lived and worked in Kazan. We remember and admire our great poet Mussa Jalil. His poems were translated into many languages.

2-й ученик. Mussa Jalil is the great Tatar poet. He got the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union for his personal courage. For his poetic cycle “The Moabit Notebook” M.Jalil was awarded the Lenin Prize. His life was hard but he never gave up. Even when it was very difficult in fascist prison, he did not stop writing. His poetry was like him impulsive and passionate at the same time, kindly responsive, tender and lyrical.  Mussa Jalil was killed in the prison but his wonderful poems are still alive.

(Стихотворение The shawl («Платочек» М.Джалиль)

2-й гость. I am strongly impressed by this story of heroism and courage.

1-й гость. When I was walking along the Kazan streets I saw a lot of young people. I assume you should have good higher institutions as well as Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.

2-й ведущий. Yes, you are right. Our capital is a centre of student’s life. Young boys and girls not only from Russia but from foreign countries come to study in Kazan universities and institutes. We can say Kazan is a city of students and it’s no wonder that Kazan was chosen to host Universiade in 2013.

(Песня The Universiade Hymn («Гимн Универсиады»; исполняется на английском, русском и татарском языках.)

2-й гость. Do you have any national holidays? What can you tell about them?

1-й ведущий. We would like to tell you about one of the most popular festival-sabantui. In the tatar language “saban” means “plough” and “tuy” means “festival”. Its history is as old as our people. Preparation to the holiday started two weeks in advance. «Racehorse feels Sabantui approach in good time» — the Tatars said. This holiday takes place at the beginning of summer, after the first haymaking.

2-й ведущий. During this festival there are a lot of spectacular competitions. The most exciting are the horse races. Another popular competition is the national wrestlng. At the end they choose a winner. He is usually given a good prize. There are also a lot of funny competitions and sport games, for example, egg-races, “running –in- sacks” races. Climbing up a high pole is rather difficult, but very funny. The prize is a big cock, sitting on the top. In the villages young women usually make presents for the winners. Everyone tries to show his/her skills or talent.

(Танец Sabantuy («Сабантуй»)

1-й ведущий. All its power and strength Tatarstan takes from its past and now it is a developing country in all sides of life: industrial, cultural, spiritual and sport. (Видеоролик о промышленной, культурной, духовной, спортивной жизни Татарстана.)

Все. Welcome to Tatarstan.